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Today's Exchange Rate
Exchange Rates applicable for ATM, eRemit and Internet Banking.
Currency | Bank Buys SGD | |
Units to SGD 1 | SGD to 100 Units | |
LKR | 218.78 | 0.4570801718621446 |
BDT | 89.16 | 1.1215791834903546 |
INR | 65.11 | 1.535862386730149 |
Currency | Bank Buys USD | |
₹to US$ 1 | US$ to ₹100 | |
INR | 86.37 | 1.1578094245687158 |
Currency | Bank Sells SGD | Bank Buys SGD |
US Dollar | 1.3147 | 1.3447 |
Australian Dollar | 0.8211 | 0.8511000000000001 |
Euro | 1.4317 | 1.4617 |
British Pound | 1.7023 | 1.7323 |
SGD-INR Rates applicable for counter transactions.
Last Update on 11-Mar-2025 10:33 | ||
₹ Amt. | S$ to ₹ 100 | ₹ to S$ 1 |
1 - 100,000 | 1.5454 | 64.71 |
100,001 - 250,000 | 1.5449 | 64.73 |
250,001 - 400,000 | 1.5442 | 64.76 |
400,001 - 800,000 | 1.5434 | 64.79 |
800,001 & Above | Please contact our branch Managers |
Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice. For queries on exchange rates, please contact us at 6228 1128/6228 1193.
For counter transactions above SGD 20,000 please contact the Branch for special rates. For amounts more than USD 10,000 please contact the Branch for special rates.